Cake !!

Our next big event is the Boston Spa Arts Festival on Friday and Saturday 11/12th October. The trustees, who are all volunteers, run the cafe on these two days to raise much needed money for the hall charity. Could you bake a cake for us to sell in the cafe? If you could, we would love it. Please email and let us know what you could offer. We will need a full list of ingredients for our allergen records

Christmas 2024

Save the date, our Christmas fair will be on SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER

We are short of a Santa volunteer.  Ideally we could do with 2 volunteers to do a 2 or 3 hour shift. We have a Santa suit and you will be well fed and chaperoned throughout. If you can help, please email us on . Stall bookings will also open soon

Boston Spa Festival 2024 Scarecrow results

For all full list of all the scarecrow characters, CLICK HERE